HTML grow become incridible mark up nowadays. With help of jade template engine, we can simplify our job and make it more fun. Using good markup can improve Search Engine Optimization.
CSS3 is latest standard of CSS. New CSS3 modules can make our website more powerful and rich. There is some framework like bootstrap that make workflow supereasy and beautiful. SASS and some their plugins like Bourbon, can solve our complicated problems.
JavaScript is future of website. JS can make website more attractive and interactive. I love jQuery framework. But many framework like angularJS, vueJs, ReAct are important to learn and develop. I still dig in more about javascript technology that grow fast everyday.
I've been in love with web development since high school. I helped to manage and design my high school web with Joomla cms. Then I continued study at Sebelas Maret University on Management and Bussiness Faculty. I worked part time on my campus as website administrator. Website technology always new for me. I never boring to learn it. Now, I'm working as Accounting Staff at Small Business Company. My dream is work as web developer freelancer and built startup company.
"Stay hungry, stay foolish"